D45 The real God “Bring theservants of the false god Baal to Mount Carmel,” Elijah told...
D44 Elijah and the bad king Some kings of Israel were bad. King Ahab and hiswicked quee...
43 A temple for God God made Solomon rich as well as wise. Solomon began to build a spl...
D42 Wise Solomon When David died, his son Solomon became king. Solomon asked God to hel...
D41 David becomes king One day Saul and Jonathan died in battle and David became king. ...
D40 Saul chases David When Saul discovered David had gone, he chased him. One night Dav...
D39 David and Jonathan Saul invited David to live in his palace. Whenever Saul was mise...
D38 David and Goliath David’s brothers were in Saul’s army. David was visiting them whe...
从未如此厌恶过“大人”(未完待续) “孩子们,该上床睡觉了。” 她说着,看了看我们。她知道现在已经没有什么“孩子们”了。大家全都是大人了,全都是难过的大人了,正把悲伤当做圣诞...
D36 Saul disobeys God One day the Israelites were getting ready for battle. “Wait for m...
漂亮乖巧安静的小弟弟 ; 三分天下的后院, 路西亚诺; 尽职尽责的小哥哥,淘气的小男孩儿; 姐姐,妈妈;以及会说话的甜橙树。 每一个角色的登场都是那么鲜活而个性分明。 漂亮安...
读后感 一: 不忍 着实是第一次读这本书却又有一种似曾相识的感觉,里面空气的味道,像是之前读过的《布鲁克林有棵树》中空气的味道一样。 两本书的成书时间相隔几十年,书中故事发生...
35 King of Israel Samuel gave God’s message to the Israelites. But they wanted a king i...
D34 God cals Samuel Hannah kept her promise. She took Samuel to live with Eli, the prie...
D33 God answers a prayer Hannah longed for a baby. One day, she visited God’s house wit...
D32 A happy ending Naomi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem. They were so poor that Ruth pic...
D31 Naomi and Ruth Naomi’s family lived in Bethlehem. But when the food ran out, they m...