240 发简信
  • 0823 empathy

    Empathy is a faculty that makes some oneself understand others more easily. It can be t...

  • diary0819

    family tree grandma grandpa on the mother’s side of family grandma grandpa on the fathe...

  • diary0818

    Today I heard a big news from Zheng that Ya have given birth off a healthy boy this aft...

  • diary 0816

    I made an appointment to get a vaccine today on Sunday. So I got up early this morning ...

  • diary 0814

    Today is a special day. Ha, yeah, it is the Chinese Valentines Day. And also today is S...

  • Diary 0813

    Today is rainy day. During the working time, Lindsay as usual put an particular opinion...

  • diary0812

    today I would like to talk about the working attitude. This afternoon, B asked me wheth...

  • diary 0811

    On my way to delivery gorgon fruit, a topic suddenly flashed into my mind. But after al...

  • Dairy 8-10

    It’s not even 7am, I woke up and swipe the phone. I got up until 7:30. As usual, first,...

  • 120

    中国男人太单纯,找老婆永远只有俩条件,金星总结太到位。 《金星秀》节目中,金星说:“每一个女人都应该在38岁之前将自己嫁出去,想结婚的女孩子记住了,千万要相信自己内心的感觉,...