240 发简信
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    有趣的 ASCII 艺术

    对 ASCII 的喜爱其实一直是有的,无他,主要是作为程序员,画图一直是一件非常难受的事情,写代码写惯了,如果这些图表能用字符展示出来,也是一件非常有意思的事情。 关于绘图,...

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    翻译自Deep Learning With Python(2018)第一章 深度学习基础:https://www.jianshu.com/p/6c08f4ceab4c第二章 ...

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    658. Find K Closest Elements

    题目描述 Given a sorted array, two integers k and x, find the k closest elements to x in th...

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    01 小美27岁了,还没有男朋友,七大姑八大姨都很热衷给她介绍对象,她也是逢介绍必去,心里想的是:不错过任何相亲的机会,谁知道和谁有眼缘呢! 可是这种相亲的场合去得多了,遇到...

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    十岁,别人竞选班长,积极热心,和同学打成一片;而你坐在角落里,默默从不发言。 二十岁,别人开始认真规划将来;而你读着普通的大学和专业,不知路在何方。 三十岁,别人事业有成,家...

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    581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray

    题目描述 Given an integer array, you need to find onecontinuous subarray that if you only s...

  • @晓华_55d3 哈哈,过奖过奖:smile:

    419. Battleships in a Board

    题目描述 Given an 2D board, count how many battleships are in it. The battleships are repre...

  • 120
    419. Battleships in a Board

    题目描述 Given an 2D board, count how many battleships are in it. The battleships are repre...

Full stack engineer, Deep learning fan.