240 发简信
  • @棠柠语遥 非常感谢你,你就像知心姐姐一样,思想很成熟,全面。虽然我不认识你,但是能在网上交流,就像朋友一样。祝你有个好丈夫吧。😊

    【特别策划】简书X扇贝 你心中的最美女生是什么样子?

    如果你是女生,你期待成为什么样的女性呢?如果你是男生,那你肯定对完美女性有过无数次幻想,她们是什么样的呢? 莎士比亚曾经这样描绘他心中的girl: Shall I compa...

  • Everyone has a definition to the most beautiful girl,as'one thousand readers have one thousand Hamlet in their minds'.Beautiful is not equal to perfect.For the first sight,we pay more attention to the girl's appearance.If she is beautiful,we will be eager to know her.But the following process doesn't only depend on appearance,the inner beauty is apparently vital.The girl's thoughts,manners,lifestyle, views on values,etc. will affect your impression on her.As a result, the appearance of the most beautiful girl needn't be very beautiful,just clean and comfortable.When you see her,as if the sun in winter,you feel very warm.She has a positive attitude towards life,healthy lifestyle and the same hobbies as you.Also,she needs to respect parents.She should have a work,which needn't high salary,but she loves it and does her best.Unavoidably,she may have some shortbacks.For example,she is stubborn,careless and sometimes a little lazy.Because of these,the girl will be more lovely.

  • 一向喜欢内向又坚强的美,可往往你不容易走进她的内心,但是当你感觉受伤想放弃的时候,她又向你伸出手,和你说一个很冷的笑话。

  • 出名难,即使有才,没有人提点就没有机会。张晋,坚持到底,凤凰涅槃。

  • 出名难,即使有才,没有人提点就没有机会。张晋,坚持到底,凤凰涅槃。


    《叶问3》的热映,再次将大家的目光锁在一个人身上—— 张晋 他与甄子丹,实际上在2002年的《英雄》就已相识。 但那时候,甄子丹是主角之一。 他,只是个做着演员梦的武术指导。...

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    《叶问3》的热映,再次将大家的目光锁在一个人身上—— 张晋 他与甄子丹,实际上在2002年的《英雄》就已相识。 但那时候,甄子丹是主角之一。 他,只是个做着演员梦的武术指导。...

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    【特别策划】简书X扇贝 你心中的最美女生是什么样子?

    如果你是女生,你期待成为什么样的女性呢?如果你是男生,那你肯定对完美女性有过无数次幻想,她们是什么样的呢? 莎士比亚曾经这样描绘他心中的girl: Shall I compa...

  • @棠柠语遥 You said well, I agree with you.

    I think when you want to find a lover, not only should you like him, but also him should like you.
    And be conform(符合) to you. Such as apperance,height,character,ackierement(学识) interest.
    By the way, if you and him love each other so much, there is no problem.😉

  • @棠柠语遥 I liked a girl ever,that is a wanderful felling.
    When I talk with her, her happy laughter will touch me, and i always make her laught, we had a lot of fan together.
    I dream of her night and night, even thought of marry her when i became a adult. Guard her is my happyness.and i helped her by my best.
    But, When went to collage, i have no chance to meet her, and she is not like to meet me.

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    最近收到很多朋友的简历,发现很多人经历丰富,能力出众,可简历确实还有很大问题,可能是上篇面经中关于简历的部分太过抽象,今天抽出来再梳理梳理。 我们以申请一个搬砖工人为样本案例...

  • 真搞笑,但是挺有用的,哈哈哈


    最近收到很多朋友的简历,发现很多人经历丰富,能力出众,可简历确实还有很大问题,可能是上篇面经中关于简历的部分太过抽象,今天抽出来再梳理梳理。 我们以申请一个搬砖工人为样本案例...