import cx_Oracle as oracleconn = oracle.connect(‘laosnnghju/xydjAJKD123355a@...:1521/za...
import cx_Oracle as oracleconn = oracle.connect(‘laosnnghju/xydjAJKD123355a@...:1521/za...
pip install -e . 参考: Note: It is highly recommended to use pip install . (regular insta...
一台互联网机器用pycharm安装相应地database driver 正常在user/username/.Pycharmxxxx.x/config/jdbc-drivers...
Pycharm中进行代码管理时,突然就要不断重复输入GItHub的账号和密码了。搞了半天,在这篇帖子中找到了解决办法:sourcetree推送失败,提示: Logon fai...
下载ta-lib离线安装包(linux版本[]) 解压进入目录 编译安装 下载ta-l...
在内网离线环境下,安装了cvxpy, 然后import cvxpy 碰到如下报错:ImportError: DLL load failedBing + 百度了大半天的时间,反...
btrun --***....
Trading Calendar 可以用于一下几个场景: Resample 将日频数据转化为周频数据,并且用每周的最后一个交易日数据作为这周的数据值 日内及日频数据重采样的时...
Timers 有一下选项可以用于控制相关操作: Timer based in absolute time input or with regards to session s...
Example: data1 gets some plotinfo values to: Plot on the same space as plotmaster which...
Can be set by two ways: Either with indices to the full length array of timestamps kept...
How to plot Then 3 observers are automatically added by cerebro, and are controlled wit...
Interactive Brokers The integration with Interactive Brokers supports both: Live Data f...
可以通过两种方式去跟踪TimeReturn(或者其他指标)和Benchamark Observerscerebro.addobserver(bt.observers.Benc...