"为什么汇率和房价只能保一个?"这是一个前段时间讨论颇多的话题。很多文章给出了日本模式“保汇率,弃房价”,还有俄罗斯模式“让汇率大幅贬值,保房价”。 为什么房价汇率只能二选一...

"为什么汇率和房价只能保一个?"这是一个前段时间讨论颇多的话题。很多文章给出了日本模式“保汇率,弃房价”,还有俄罗斯模式“让汇率大幅贬值,保房价”。 为什么房价汇率只能二选一...
(For a boy I once met in "Biology 104", at the University of Miami) The day I First met...
You are not beautiful, May I say? You hunch your shoulders when you walk, Your breath s...
You are not beautiful, May I say? You hunch your shoulders when you walk, Your breath s...
On a forest clearing we met. There was still work to do tomorrow In this ever-moving un...
Piano He plays, Sitting next to me, Moving Left to right. He grinned, Spoiling me with ...