学英语 Could you please drive a little faster? 你就不能开快点吗 Oh, I think we're going sufficient...

学英语 Could you please drive a little faster? 你就不能开快点吗 Oh, I think we're going sufficient...
《绿皮书》在第91届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,虽然它争议性地拿下最佳男配角、最佳原创剧本、最佳影片等三大重量级奖项,仍被认为是2018最具意义的影片。 故事描述一名黑人钢琴家,为前往...
美剧笔记本 circumstantial [ˌsɜ:rkəmˈstænʃl]详细的;间接的 The evidence against him was purelycircum...
Hereyougo. 来 IfyouneedanyrecommendationswhilevisitingNewYork, 如果两位游览纽约时需要任何事物的推荐 please...
美剧笔记本 wrath[ræθ]愤怒 He incurred thewrathof the authorities in speaking out against gover...
I think we're fitting quite nicely. 我觉得我们很适合这里 It did help if you weren't drinking ligh...