The last day of study. We went to the Shanghai Museum and the Chinese Museum for breakf...

The last day of study. We went to the Shanghai Museum and the Chinese Museum for breakf...
On the fourth day, we went to my favorite Oriental Pearl and Shanghai Science and Techn...
On the third day, we went to the presidential palace in Nanjing. It shows the place whe...
At 6:30 in the morning, he got up for breakfast and then took a bus to the Jiangning we...
The high-speed rail at 6:00 in the morning goes to Nanjing. Those four hours of high-sp...
大学毕业后,我找到了一份不错的工作,是看管咖啡厅,我很喜欢这份工作,因为,如果没有客人的话,我可以品尝咖啡,是一件很享受的事情。 有一天,我正在品尝咖啡的时候,突然,一位年...
以前,人们用的是类似于传呼机一样的通讯工具,现在,平板iPad Pro手机让人类广泛运用, 人类通讯发展史口语时代,古代击鼓文字书写时代,西周,邮驿文字书写时代 公元前10...
第一章:我的自画像 这是我16的时候 这是我18的时候