DAY28 甘比精读班体验 报名精读班的时候正好是学期开始,当时的想法是可以督促自己尽快调整好学习的状态,回到正轨。一开始设想的精读班的课程,无非也就是读下英美报刊,如经济学...

DAY28 甘比精读班体验 报名精读班的时候正好是学期开始,当时的想法是可以督促自己尽快调整好学习的状态,回到正轨。一开始设想的精读班的课程,无非也就是读下英美报刊,如经济学...
In my memory,the Middle East is an area always with turbulence,such as turbulence. At t...
Day 15: Words & Phrases - strip **~ sth (off) | ~ A (off / from B)/~ B (of A) **to remo...
Hebrew exodus from Egypt Possible sources and parallels[edit] Ipuwer Papyrus The Hyksos...
DAY 20词汇1.ring out phr va voice, bell etc that rings out is loud and clearThe sound of ...
Each Paragraph at a Glance bright scene of new energy fossil fuel is likely to die rene...
DAY12 词汇 1.go into cardiac arrest(failure)心脏病发作 2.Wearable sensor可穿戴传感器 3.Answer to 4.心...
Day8 词汇: 1.turn upside down 完全颠倒 A world turned upside down. Between dream and reality,...
Day4-Day5 词汇部分: 1.Body 【OBJECT】 [C] technical an object that is separate from other obj...
1.Body 【OBJECT】 [C] technical an object that is separate from other objects Keep the ca...
1.Body 【OBJECT】 [C] technical an object that is separate from other objects Keep the ca...
>> The Science Book Day1: Vocabulary 【图例注释】 [→] Day1笔记 [ △ ] Day2笔记 △ Science is an ong...
This is the first time for me to analysis an essay of science. At first,it is boring an...
Day1:词汇整理 Aristotle亚里士多德 1.lay foundations/bring the basis 2.Assert ~ oneself behave in...