240 发简信
  • * Calls the [block] callback giving it a sequence of all the lines in this file and closes the reader once
    * the processing is complete.
    * @return the value returned by [block].
    @RequireKotlin("1.2", versionKind = RequireKotlinVersionKind.COMPILER_VERSION, message = "Requires newer compiler version to be inlined correctly.")
    public inline fun <T> Reader.useLines(block: (Sequence<String>) -> T): T =
    buffered().use { block(it.lineSequence()) }

    kotlin use

    实现了Closeable接口的对象可调用use函数 use函数会自动关闭调用者(无论中间是否出现异常) Kotlin的File对象和IO流操作变得行云流水 use函数内部实现...

  • public fun Reader.forEachLine(action: (String) -> Unit): Unit = useLines { it.forEach(action) }

    kotlin use

    实现了Closeable接口的对象可调用use函数 use函数会自动关闭调用者(无论中间是否出现异常) Kotlin的File对象和IO流操作变得行云流水 use函数内部实现...

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