本文的主题是Tree,是算法中应用最广的方法之一。 1. binary tree二叉树 1.1 基本结构 Tree从一个root开始,延伸出枝条,术语通常叫做children...
1. Linked List 链表是基础的数据结构,与之对应的另外一个选择是数组。在查询方面,数组有优势,复杂度是O(1),但是在插入删除等操作上不如链表,复杂度是O(n);...
1. Additional video 1.1 Aggregate 1.2 Trigger 2. Trigger PostgreSQL的syntax如下: 2.1 例1 Co...
SQL和Regular Expression专题 1. SQL 1.1简介 SQL包括多种sub-languages,主要是DDL (Data Definition Lang...
1. Additional video from last week 2. Extending SQL 通常可以创建以下一些类型,一些可以用sql实现,但是很多用extend...
1. SQL Queries Exercise (1)What beers are made by Toohey's? (2)Show beers with headings...
1. Q1 Write a program characters_triangle.py that gets a strictly positive integer N as...
1. Most popular name As in the fifth lecture, we use the data of the National Data on t...
1.Temperature conversion tables Requirement: Run and study the program named fahrenheit...
1. Most popular name As in the fifth lecture, we use the data of the National Data on t...
1. Finding particular sequences of prime numbers Write a program consecutive_primes.py ...
常规题目解法如下,选做题有空再补。 1. Number of trailing 0s in a factorial 任意一个数的阶乘末尾有多少个0. 2. Perfect n...
COMP9021 Principles of Programming WEEK1 Optional:python安装,interactive coding,IDLE,term...
常规题目解法如下,选做题有空再补。 1. Number of trailing 0s in a factorial 任意一个数的阶乘末尾有多少个0. 2. Perfect n...
1. Q1 Write a program characters_triangle.py that gets a strictly positive integer N as...
1. Finding particular sequences of prime numbers Write a program consecutive_primes.py ...
1. nbtutor module nbtutor用来演示python指令的执行过程,但一些local, nonlocal,global的variable的演示有小错误,大体...
1. Monty Hall Problem 一个著名的博弈论游戏,起源大概是一个美国电视游戏节目叫做Let's make a deal,这个问题名字来源于节目主持人Monty...