过眼云烟一个与香港有关的故事 淑贞和我坐在临江的长椅上。夜已经密密层层地展开,两岸的灯火在江水里轻轻地荡漾,宛若星光,簇拥着江心摇曳的明月,像极了梵高的《星空》。一条披红挂彩的游船溯...
过眼云烟一个与香港有关的故事 淑贞和我坐在临江的长椅上。夜已经密密层层地展开,两岸的灯火在江水里轻轻地荡漾,宛若星光,簇拥着江心摇曳的明月,像极了梵高的《星空》。一条披红挂彩的游船溯...
@伊卷舒 @伊卷舒 yep, gust of, very well, I love this phrase too much so I can get it very soon even only just a skimming. Story is good but maybe I hope much more than that so I feel it's not completed in my heart, this is why I said I am waiting for the continued. Otherwise, from my opinion puppet on a string means a lot to me, the nature of the world, even the rule of an universe, you know, a lot, so I've already made a huge picture from bottom of heart for so long. Guess what, your story was kind of out of my mind, so I feel, truth is I don't know how to say, it was a small sweet, lovely story but still different. So I am very sorry it's my fault.
As for any suggestions for revision. I don't think I am capable for this. Sorry again. But I have to try for your sake(haha), And I gotta get around on this maybe later, more carefully. Before that, I am sincerely telling you that I got the feeling of your thought or your mind flowing in your story even if it was my first sight, it's very nice and beautiful.
Talk to you then.
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