A fair maiden is guarded by a dragon. A handsome prince must slay the dragon to save he...

A fair maiden is guarded by a dragon. A handsome prince must slay the dragon to save he...
This is the story of a donkey named Jellybean and a goat named Mr.G. For ten years they...
Without a doubt, one of the world's most recognizable pieces of art is the Mona Lisa. P...
W: Hey,whatdoyouthink? Doyoulikeit? M: No,it'stooshort. Youcan'twearthattotheoffice. If...
Onceupona time there was amischievous young boy who wasgiventhe task oftending a herd o...
A large international study has found that ten risk factorsaccount for 90 percent of al...
Exercise and a certain amount of strenuous physical activity are important for maintain...
We've got a real problem on our hands. We're getting a lot of complaints. About the pro...
Because the treatment wasn't working, Jack tried something new. He decided to use brain...
Jack is a psychiatrist, which means he treats people who have mental problems. He has b...
chernobyl 英[tʃɜːˈnəʊbəl]美[tʃərˈnoʊbəl]切尔诺贝利; 切尔诺贝尔; On April 26, 1986, Unit 4 of the Ch...
What are you thinking about? You look sopensive. pensive英[ˈpensɪv]美[ˈpensɪv] adj.沉思的; 忧...
On Antarctica, the world's coldest continent, the average high temperature is - 49 degr...
When we talk about experience or results, we use the present perfect form. This form us...
Now that you're studying English at a higher level, you need to be able to talk about t...
Now, a month later, Harry still can't remember much of what happened. When he first wok...
Harry Beecham works for a hi-tech German company based inMunich Munich英[ˈmjuːnɪk]美[ˈmju...
What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild? To find out, you can joi...
The circulatory system1 A flow chart, like this one, shows how a process begins and end...