your shrimp dish is out of the world 你这菜真是天下一绝啊,太好吃啊表现出极度完美Yes IT is delicious 表现出完美,读的...
your shrimp dish is out of the world 你这菜真是天下一绝啊,太好吃啊表现出极度完美Yes IT is delicious 表现出完美,读的...
语音点: I'm sorry we're late. 不同的语调代表不同的情感,这里一定要表现出歉意。 I’m sorry, I didn't catch your name...
认识这个词(基础篇)词:rival英英释义:to be as good, clever, beautiful, etc. as someone or something el...
认识这个词(基础篇) 词:mean 英英释义:to have a particular result or involve something 例句:The pouring ...
认识这个词(基础篇) 词:fathom 英英释义:to understand something complicated or mysterious 例句:Girls’ be...
1月份匆匆而过,紧张又忙碌的一个月。参加了晨读课,听了讲座,收获满满。有几点感触写一下,温故知新,也鞭策自己。 1、每日一词 这个月学了很多词,backpedal, side...
认识这个词(基础篇) 词:persist 英英释义:to continue to exist 例句:If the fever and cough persist, see a...
认识这个词(基础篇) 词:end up 英英释义:to finally be in a particular place or situation 例句:Perhaps it...
这是什么词? 词:deepen 英英释义:to make deep or deeper 例句:Traveling and meeting new people can dee...
这是个什么词? 词:concern 英英释义:if a story, book, report etc concerns someone or something, it i...
这是个什么词? 词:backpedal 英英释义:to change your opinion or not do something that you had promis...
这是个什么词? 词:sidetrack 英英释义:to direct (someone) away from an activity or subject toward an...
两次晨读课结束了,《剑桥国际英语语音教程 美音版》这本书终于学完了,收获满满,又进一步提升了学英语的信心,同时也感触颇多。 上了一次麦,受到的打击颇大。我是个很容易紧张的人,...
这是什么词? 词:iconic 英英释义:very famous and well known, and believed to represent a particular...
这是什么词? 词:commonplace 英英释义:happening often or often seen or experienced and so not consi...
(一)语言点1. graduate 可以表示毕业,美国既可以表示本科毕业生也可以表示研究生。I'm going to graduate school. 英国研究生是post ...
这是什么词? 词:adept 英英释义:very good at doing something that is not easy 例句:Israelis are adept...
这是什么词? 词:prone 英英释义:likely to do something or be affected by something, especially some...
这是什么词? 词:viable 英英释义:able to be done, or worth doing 例句:Renewables are economically via...