之前,写过一篇《我自己如何学习英文》的文章,很多朋友读后,纷纷留言,表示深受启发。 于我,很是欣慰。 那篇文章,实际上是写给一位好友的,他一直“跪求”如何学好英文。为着不辜负...

之前,写过一篇《我自己如何学习英文》的文章,很多朋友读后,纷纷留言,表示深受启发。 于我,很是欣慰。 那篇文章,实际上是写给一位好友的,他一直“跪求”如何学好英文。为着不辜负...
见 三十岁前认识世界,三十岁后开始认识自己。 感 三十岁前要遵循社会的法则去认识它,了解它,那些所谓的兴趣我们可以去做,前提是这个年纪有什么可以支撑我们可以去做。三十岁之前好...
见 人的情感面就像一头大象,而理智面就像一个骑象人。骑象人骑在大象背上,手里握着缰绳,好像是他在指挥大象,但事实上,他的力量微不足道。一旦和大象发生冲突,他想往左,而大象...
①I learned a great fear of being wrong that shifted my mind-set from thinking “I’m righ...
We ran the business in a scrappy, seat-of-the-pants way. 我们共同奋斗着一个事业,就像同穿一条裤子那样。 it was...
If I make any money from those trips, that’s just icing on the cake. 如果我能从这些旅行中赚到钱,那简直是...
The U.S. economy slowed, commodity prices soared,and in 1973 the stock market took a di...
Then, on Sunday, August 15, 1971, President Nixon went on television to announce that t...
01 时钟调回2018年那个暑假,天气很热,自习室的冷风。有幸遇到一群志同道合的研友,于是就开启了我们道阻且短的英雄之旅。 未来会是什么样子?我们谁也无法预测。 我们能做的,...
When I look back on that, I see that I got out of serving on a technicality—that mydad ...
Great is better than terrible, and terrible is better than mediocre, because terrible a...
①Time is like a river that carries us forward into encounters with reality that require...
MY PRINCIPLES AND HOW I LEARNED THEM 我的原则并且我怎样学习 I learned my principles over a lifetim...
That’s because the consensus view is baked into the price. One is inevitably going to b...
When I didn’t want to do something, I would fight it, but when I was excited about some...
HAVING YOUR OWN PRINCIPLES 拥有你自己的原则 We come by our principles in different ways. Someti...
见 不要祈求任务简单,而要希望它有价值。不要盼着事情更容易,而要让自己变得更好。不要想着轻松挑战,而要学会更多技巧。不要期待问题更少,而要变得更加智慧。挑战才能积累经验。...
见 近似的正确好过精确的错误。 ——Buffett 感 这句话是在贾宁...