原文:Gladstone, J., Matz, S., & Stillwell, D. (in press). Money Buys Happiness When Spend...
原文:Dumas D, Dunbar K N. The Creative Stereotype Effect.[J]. Plos One, 2016, 11(2): 1-13...
原文来源:Meyers M C, Woerkom M V. The influence of underlying philosophies on talent manage...
#智识分子:做个复杂的现代人 by 万维刚(同人于野) 智识:智慧和见识 三个趋势: 1. 世界越来越复杂; 全球化不仅仅意味着世界变小、文化融合和社会关联,更重要的是带来了...
作为临床心理治疗师,Meg Jay在Ted“Why 30 is not new 20?”上分享了一则病例,一位26岁的女生倾诉爱情困惑,不满意已同居的男朋友,可又不愿分手,将...
Fake it Till You Make it 10 Ways to Feel Confident (Even when you aren’t) Is your self-...
就正业而言,似乎又负了2015年。 论文毫无进展,完美主义和拖延症让我迟迟无法开始真正的博士论文写作。6月份期间强迫自己写出了文献综述,如今看来,我似乎准备完全把它推翻掉得。...
Ben Fountain was an associate in the real-estate practice at the Dallas offices of Akin...
Gender, education and work: The weaker sex Boys are being outclassed by girls at both s...
Evolution: Greater than the sum of its parts 进化:青出于蓝而胜于蓝 It is rare for a new animal sp...