240 发简信
  • Chapter3 - a.a. and primary structure of proteins

    3.1 a.a. amino derivatives of carboxylic acids 20 standard amino acidsglycine has no ch...

  • Chapter2 - Water property

    2.1 the properties of water ionic(electrolyte) and polar(-OH,,hydrogen bonding.) substa...

  • MNS--Nanotechnology

    [1. Nano materials] 纳米材料特殊性质举例 materials in nano size range exhibit some remarkable spe...

  • MNS--Chapter16

    Polymerization is the process by which small molecules consisting of one unit (known as...

  • MNS--Chapter15

    Ceramics exhibit good strength under compression; however, they exhibit virtually no du...

  • 费恩曼物理学讲义笔记——气体分子动理论

    2016.03.28 物质的性质 今天先进行“对物质性质进行分析”的第一部分——气体分子动理论。“对物质性质进行分析”这个课题很困难,因为它是从物质由大量原子或基本单位组成,...

  • 快速入门——Ruby

    最近在学习网页制作,脚本语言自然是必不可少了,除了js,如今很热的ruby也是 Jekyll+Github一套系统里的必用语句,下面是学习记录。 安装ruby 这里安装有指导...

  • MNS--chapter3

    释意 crystalline material:A uniform substance made up of a three dimensional, grid-like r...

  • MNS--chapter2

    五种level的structure atomic structureshort- and long-range atomic arrangementnanostructure...

  • MNS--chapter1

    五种材料的拼写要记住 metal alloyceramics and glasspolymersemiconductorcomposite materials 释意 com...
