Checking up on Ada调查Ada的近况 How was Ada’s new job in Beijing?艾达在北京的新工作怎么样? It seems to b...

Checking up on Ada调查Ada的近况 How was Ada’s new job in Beijing?艾达在北京的新工作怎么样? It seems to b...
Weather & Activities天气和活动 This tree isbending overbecause of the strong wind.这棵树被大风吹弯了。...
Emergency Vehicles急救车辆 Ambulances are used to transport injured or sick people to a hos...
Paul's Overseas Trip 1保罗的海外旅行1 Last month Paul went on a trip.上个月保罗去旅行了。 He went to Jap...
Sports 运动 In basketball, players score points by shooting a basketball through a hoop.在...
A Nightmare一场噩梦 What’s the matter?有什么事吗? You look really tired today.你今天看起来很累。 I am tir...
Paul's Trip Plan 1 保罗的旅行计划 In six weeks, Paul is going on a trip.六周后,保罗要去旅行。 He is goin...
Discussing Test Results讨论测试结果 How did you do on yesterday's science test?昨天的科学测验你考得怎么样?...
Ready for the Meeting为会议做好准备 Oh, there you are, finally.哦,你终于来了 Yeah, I’m sorry.是的,我很抱歉...
Emotions情绪 She‘s screaming because she is really scared.她尖叫是因为她真的很害怕。 Something is chas...
States of Matter物质的状态 Matter is made ofatomsandmolecules.物质是由原子和分子构成的。 Water, for examp...
Test Results测试结果 Yesterday there was an important science test.昨天有一个重要的科学测试。 Lisa, Tom ...
Foot Injury脚受伤 What's wrong?怎么了? I can't walk.我不能走路。 My left foot hurts.我的左脚疼。 Is it br...
Christina's Future Plans 1 克里斯蒂娜的未来计划 1 Christina sells women's clothing in a departmen...
Things to Read需要阅读的东西 Here are some different types of things to read.这里有一些不同类型的东西要读。 W...
Jobs & Weather工作和天气 Mechanics, like this one, fix cars.机械师修理汽车。 He is working in a repa...
Spatial Relations & Needs空间关系与需求 The man in the middle is the heaviest.中间的那个人最重。 The ma...
Ordering Food from Home在家订餐 I'm tired of going out to eat.我厌倦了出去吃饭。 Let's eat at home t...
Buying a New Car I 买一辆新车1 Paul is a very successful businessman.保罗是一个非常成功的商人。 He owns s...
Missing the Flight错过了航班 Hi, I'm sorry to be late.嗨,很抱歉我迟到了。 What happened?发生了什么事? You w...