中国这么大,外语好的人其实有很多。但是如何将其变成一门谋生手段,拥有比上班更高的收入? ——题记 01 到今年年初,我硕士毕业五年了。回顾这些年的职业生涯,从自由职业、进国企...
中国这么大,外语好的人其实有很多。但是如何将其变成一门谋生手段,拥有比上班更高的收入? ——题记 01 到今年年初,我硕士毕业五年了。回顾这些年的职业生涯,从自由职业、进国企...
1. 朋友A在半夜给我打电话,刚接通就听到她无奈地控诉。不出我所料又是她和小务的事。 A和小务是一家公司的同事。当A进入公司第一天,以小务就告白说他自己对A一见钟情,从此便展...
the best way of life is not you lay in bed until wake up naturally or sit around idly a...
everyday you may feel there are too many things to do and too many people to meet durin...
you often remind yourself that you want to lose weight but you only kept your fitness p...
people who knows how to manage solitude often tend to more easily reap the benefit from...
life likes a match of marathon you should not be complacent if you take the lead and yo...
走过“草的芬芳,风的清爽,山的曲线,犬的吠声”的《挪威的森林》 来到《边城》…
the stage of life should not be in the eyes of others it should be in your heart your s...