On Machine Intelligence 1 So, I started my first job as a computer programmer in my ver...
On Machine Intelligence 1 So, I started my first job as a computer programmer in my ver...
The Boiling River 4 A bit sadistic, aren't we? Jeez. Leave them marinating for a little...
The Boiling River 3 I've been back every year since that first visit in 2011, and the f...
The Boiling River 2 Telling this same story at a family dinner, my aunt tells me, "But ...
Andrés Ruzo: The boiling river of the AmazonTEDGlobal 2014 • 15:49 • Posted February 20...
The Boiling River 1 As a boy in Lima, my grandfather told me a legend of the Spanish co...
一、 已近黄昏,天边的晚霞如同被鲜血不均匀地涂抹过一般,透出几分壮烈来。没有风,一望无际的黄沙越发显得安静起来,最后的色彩停留在那一排排脚印上,整齐有力,分明是训练有素的军队...
我有一个习惯,看书时候会把自己喜欢的句子段落摘抄下来。 这个习惯其实源于小学,当时语文老师要求我们每周上交摘抄本,摘抄课外书的好词好句,写作文的时候可以模仿或者运用。 以前读...