
教师节前夕,我辞去了高中语文教师的工作,义无反顾地做了一个送外卖的小妹。 西北师大毕业后,我如愿成为了市一中的语文老师。 开学前半个月,学校对新教师进行了岗前培训。培训结束时...
之前有个词很火,“中年危机”,这个词出来后,在一段时间内制造了一大波焦虑,包括很多已经步入30岁的90后, 这个社会上,90%的岗位都是容易被替代的,哪怕是技术岗位,也是轻轻...
After a short busy period, I can rest for five consecutive days I just want to empty my...
I know you've been here I would rather we didn't meet You took my heart when you left H...
Last night, the neighbors made trouble again I don't understand why this society has su...
I think one's whole life is to know oneself Whether a person is happy or not really has...