
茶艺表演解说词: 茶艺十八道: 第一道:焚香静气,活煮甘泉 功夫茶具焚香静气,就是透过点燃这支香,来营造祥和,肃穆,无比温馨的气氛。期望这沁人心脾的幽香,能使大家心旷神怡,也...
The bar chart shows the changes in the number of Chinese rural residents living in pove...
The bar chart provides China’s domestic online retail consumption over the past four ye...
The bar chart illustrates the change in Chinese residents' life expectancy over the pas...
The bar chart shows the time people of different age groups in a community spend on the...
If there were a list of the most popular topics in people's daily lives, work and healt...
When I was young, my school teacher asked me who I wanted to be when I grew up. My answ...
If you scan the text messages you have received in the past year, you may find a huge n...
According to Etymology Online, the common meaning of "worship"—reverence paid to a supe...
Chinese martial arts movies abound with scenes in which the hero puts a long, silver ne...
While theft has always been a part of human history, it now has a new form called "cybe...