视频指路:这是什么?自我介绍 看一眼[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12TcBe1EBr/?share_source=copy_web&v...
视频指路:这是什么?自我介绍 看一眼[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12TcBe1EBr/?share_source=copy_web&v...
I believe the Music Scholarship Scheme should consider my application because I bring a...
Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated by the dynamic realm of science andtechn...
郑重声明:本文系原创首发,文责自负。本文参与书香澜梦第117期“光”专题活动。 我面向漆黑的窗外,渐渐闭上了眼睛,任由列车将我推进记忆的隧道。那是一片漆黑的浓雾,努力回想也只...
Good evening, students! I know you are working hard for your exam week, and some of you...
Good afternoon, students! Recently, I have discovered a phenomenon: some of you are 'se...
Good afternoon, students! Recently, many of you have come to me to discuss a diversity ...
白驹过隙,三年的中学生活转瞬即逝,即将落下帷幕。我即将踏入人生的全新阶段,前路或许荆棘丛生,但我会始终怀揣坚定信念,全力以赴,向着梦想奋勇前行。 从小,我就对科学抱有浓厚兴趣...
Course Evaluation Questionaire: Music Course Why did you want to take this course? I wa...