240 发简信
  • 《致Blue A 家长的一封信》


  • 浅谈IB课程的优势及对幼儿园IB课程的理解


  • About setting up a science corner

    Children are always curious about the world around them , and they have endless questio...

  • My first week in kindergarten

    This is the first week that I began working in kindergarten. The professional knowledge...

  • About learning English

    After graduating, there are not many opportunities to use English, especially the Engli...

  • About International Education

    From 2015,I began contacting the International Education for some of my students ' pare...

  • 6月30日晨读群个人总结帖

    本周期有效打卡十次。 截止6月30日,已加入晨读群三个月,语音打卡群两个月,写作群快一个月。 一、晨读群成长 4月1日入群 ,阅读第一本原著《Principles》, 践行晨...

  • Say Yes to life

    It is so hard to be aware of our unconscious,but it is such important when we want to r...

  • The second trying of Writing Group

    Why do we need to develop a good habit ? In this book 《The one thing 》, the main idea t...

  • The first trying of Writing Group

    Since ancient times, filial piety are difficult to be,which is the best description abo...