英语流利说 Level7 Unit1 Part2 : How Leaders Inspire UsSimon Sinek: How great leaders inspire...

英语流利说 Level7 Unit1 Part2 : How Leaders Inspire UsSimon Sinek: How great leaders inspire...
英语流利说 Level7 Unit1 Part1 : On ProcrastinationTim Urban: Inside the mind of a master pro...
Listening-----Height & Weight Here are four people. Two of them are tall. The man on th...
L6-U3-P2-1 Listening : Infectious Diseases 1 Infectious Diseases Despite advances in te...
L6-U3-P3-1 Listening : Prison Experiment Prison Experiment In 1971 psychologists create...
L6-U3-P4-1 Listening : Rent or Buy 1 Rent or Buy (1)John and Linda have been arguing ab...
PART1 同义词: 1、Desperate 绝望的: 2、Lost the Sanity 失去理智的: insane, crazy 3、Bored Tasks 无聊的任务:...
L6-U3-P1-1 Listening : Cyber Theft 1 Cyber Theft John is the owner of a small consultin...
图片发自简书App 1>> When people talk about investing, they are always looking for the best ad...
1>> Paralyzed people can now control artificial limbs by thought alone. This is possibl...
A Job Interview W: Yes, I've been enjoying listening to you and learning more about you...
Rent or Buy 2 Another reason John is against buying a house is that he doesn’t have con...
Rent or Buy 1 John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long ...
1>> The impact of technology is widespread and accelerating. Experts predict that 90% o...
图片发自简书App 1>> Media and technologies are reprogramming the human brain, changing how we...
A: Hi, what’s so urgent? When you message me, you seemed really upset. B: Yes, I was. I...
图片发自简书App 懂你英语Level 6学习笔记 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 1 懂你英语Level 6 Unit 1 Part 1 Listening 懂你英...