I begin going ahead with renewed vigour after fighting against a demon called self-appr...
I begin going ahead with renewed vigour after fighting against a demon called self-appr...
I thought I'm able to finish Six Chapters of a Floating Life in a few days. It needs a ...
I didn't know him until this bad news came to me, though he is China's best known sailo...
Can you bear the lonliness in the University? I have to admit that I'm more free and al...
Forming a good habit need forty days' consecutive insistence. The artical is a suppleme...
Chinese tourists has gain notorious reputation both home and abroad after a series of u...
Twenty four hours a day, your brain fires off electrical impulses at a speed that makes...
I heard QiuXian Mountain from my dorm mates last night. I decided to climb the mountain...
Review of WhiplashI've reserved Whiplash after viewing the high comments from ZhiHu for a long time. Thou...
《一个陌生女人的来信》:卑微到尘土里的爱情我就要死了,可是,谁还会送你白玫瑰呢? 这样贯穿一生刻骨铭心的爱,如果有来生,我想你一定还会选择这么做吧。 你的人生,别无其他。 每个少女都曾暗恋,可是不是每个女孩都暗恋过一...
I've reserved Whiplash after viewing the high comments from ZhiHu for a long time. Thou...
As an undergraduate majoring in English in an unknown university, it's not so late that...
文/路遇而安 前几日的金鹰艺术节,又被胡歌俘获了内心。 上一次被他吸引,应该是他在《伪装者》中饰演的明台,《琅琊榜》中饰演的梅长苏。也是从这两部剧才开始喜欢胡歌,之前他的作品...
秋殇.秋叶 文/兰兰 一夜秋风吹过,一树秋叶落下 近观凄楚,近看心碎 秋风吹起,满目苍夷 一叶叶伤感,一片片伤悲 你随着风起舞 飘浮着,千般忧愁 你随着心远去 飘动着,万般忧...