L3-U3-P2-1 Listening :QuickServe 1 QuickServe 1 QuickServe is a home repair company. It...

L3-U3-P2-1 Listening :QuickServe 1 QuickServe 1 QuickServe is a home repair company. It...
1. “如果有人一直说个不停,你完全插不上话,掉个东西到地上(钥匙,笔之类的),你弯腰下去捡,然后开始说话。这样,你就可以神不知鬼不觉的打断对方,并且不被他发现。” 2. “...
Buying a new car Paul is a very sucessful businessman He owns several restaurants All o...
Listening: At School This is Lisa’s daily schedule. She goes to school five days a week...
Listening: Describing People Dan is a pilot. He works for Global Airlines. Global Airli...
It's windy today.今天是有风的。The wind is blowing.风正在吹。It's raining现在正在下雨It is raining, so ta...
Listening: The Harris Family This is Ben Harris. He and his family live in Toronto, Can...
Listening: Income & Expenses The Jacksons live in a nice apartment. It’s in a nice buil...
Listening: Time Zones Our planet, the Earth, is the 3rd planet from the Sun. It is a be...
Listening: Lisa’s Cold Last night Lisa came home later than usual. It was raining and s...
本课会学到定语从句(包括限制性定语从句 & 非限制性定语从句) Dan is a pilot. /'paɪlət/He flies airplanes to all par...
Listening: Yesterday’s Schedule Dan is a pilot. He flies airplanes to all parts of the ...
Listening: Bus Schedule Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop. It has the schedule for 3...