破五迎财神,要想新的一年家有余财,一定要改掉这个坏习惯——那就是捡便宜。 朋友们,请相信:天上掉的从来不是馅饼,而是陷阱。不要看到优惠就想捡便宜,买东西要谨记一个宗旨:只买当...

破五迎财神,要想新的一年家有余财,一定要改掉这个坏习惯——那就是捡便宜。 朋友们,请相信:天上掉的从来不是馅饼,而是陷阱。不要看到优惠就想捡便宜,买东西要谨记一个宗旨:只买当...
1,我们的生命本来多轻盈,都是被这肉体和各种欲望的污独给拖住。 2,肉体是拿来用的,不是拿来伺候的。 3,兜兜转转,大学毕业后的我,来到了北京,来到了那个在想像中可以和香港比...
1,人生最好的状态是:累了睡得着,醒了有事做,心中有期待,脚下有方向。 2,生活是场漫长的旅程,偶尔可以偷个懒,记得用快乐装满行囊。 3,心里住着光的人,眼里自然有星星,你的...
The trees and grass know that soon spring will go away, Of red blooms and green leaves ...
On vernal day no flowers were in bloom, alas! In second moon I'm glad to see the buddin...
句二十八: 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暧人屠苏。—— 宋·王安石《元日》 释义:在热闹的爆竹声中,旧的一年已经过去,迎着和煦的春风畅饮美酒。 句二十九: 南北奔波岁月催,足间浑未...
句十九: 天地风霜尽,乾坤气象和。历添新岁月,春满旧山河。—— 宋·叶颙《己酉新正》 释义:寒冬风雪已结束,佳节春意已盎然。又翻过一页日历,又迎来新的一年,美好与生机重新覆盖...
句十: 宜言饮酒,与子偕老。琴瑟在御,莫不静好。—— 先秦·诗经·国风·郑风《女曰鸡鸣》 释义:品美酒佳肴,听琴瑟和鸣,愿夫妻恩爱,白头偕老,岁月静好。 句十一: 从今诸事愿...
句一: 愿得长如此,年年物候新。—— 唐·卢照邻《元日述怀》 释义:但愿这样美好幸福的日子能长久。也预祝岁岁风物日日添新,不断丰富我们的美好生活。 句二: 一年忧喜今宵过,两...
How much delight in vernal hill? Don't go back but enjoy your fill ! Drinking water, yo...
Leaving at dawn the White Emperor crowned with cloud, I’ve sailed a thousand miles thro...
I'm drunk with wine and with moonshine. With flowers fallen over the ground and over me...
Dogs’ barks are muffled by the rippling brook, Peach blossoms tinged with dew much redd...
The eyebrow-like cool moon hangs over Willow Bay, The southern mountains seem in the mi...
Sitting among bamboos alone, I play on lute and croon carefree. In the deep woods where...
High,you can't eat your fill, in vain you wail and trill. At down you hush your song, t...
I ask your lad beneath a pine. "My master has gone for herbs fine. He stays deep in the...
My boat is moored near an isle in mist gray, I'm grieved anew to see the parting day. O...
When nothing weighs on your mind, you will find, any minute can be a good time. 春有百花秋有月...
Shallow love is just like the clouds in the sky, may disappear at any time. Deep love i...