You are what you think. So does the environment.所想,即所遇。(“世界的模样,取决于你凝视它的目光。”) 🔗Paraphras...
You are what you think. So does the environment.所想,即所遇。(“世界的模样,取决于你凝视它的目光。”) 🔗Paraphras...
Attention economy - 注意力经济时代 我们自己并不能把注意力仅仅看作数字化的资源,而是我们自己存在本身,我们看待这个世界的窗口。 “My experienc...
2024/10 起因 - 沙白女士因 20 年系统性红斑狼疮病情无法控制,最终选择去瑞士dignitas机构【医助自杀】安乐死。(以下内容来自vx公号Know Youself...
The 4C model of creativity Mini-C: personal insights and spontaneous moments of improvi...
🔗Paraphrase/💡Language Point: 1. 目前有什么能做的吗? - What is being done? 2. 一个地区的土著民族/语言 - indi...
🔗Paraphrase/💡Language Point: 1. 诺奖得主、桂冠诗人 - Nobel Laureates 2. 持续的头疼、下雨 - Persistent he...
🔗Paraphrase/💡Language Point: 1. 他们的政策将对经济造成巨大的破坏。 Their policies will wreak havoc on/do...
影响深刻的几句话: "Past is just a story we tell ourselves.""I have to work tonight." 后续的谈话聊天: 1...
“国家不幸诗家幸” 🔗Paraphrase/💡Language Point: 1. 扣人心弦的故事 - a gripping story 2. 这场杀戮十分残酷,那些犯下此暴...
In the lively coffeehouse, we find the essence of liberty: the freedom of thought, the ...
序论 1.(产生的恶性循环): 找不到“想做的事”→花钱缓解压力+对工作无兴趣和没有学习动力→无法成长→更加无聊和没有动力找“想做的事” 2. 明确“想做的事”,从而在面对外...
🔗Paraphrase/💡Knowledge Point: 1. FOMO = fear of missing out 2. be beset by sth. = be pl...
“One mind revises another; one heart changes its partner." - Lewis, Amini, Lannon 🔗Para...
🔗Paraphrase/💡Knowledge Point: 1. lynx-eyed = sharp-sighted/keen-sighted 检验部门锐利眼光的仔细检查 -...
1. 猛然发现,喜欢自己喜欢的东西的自由,比被别人喜欢的自由,来得尤其弥足珍贵。需要时刻提醒自己,看清自己的心,究竟是喜欢心底的"true love",还是喜欢别人喜欢的东西...
🔗Paraphrase/💡Knowledge Point: 1. tenure - stay permanently in the university 2. 职场女性 - ...
Serenity, "the peace" "give voice to the unsayable" 🔗Paraphrase/💡Knowledge Point: 1. No...
To somewhere, find "one of the best anchors for one's ever-changing mind" in rereading....
So what's the alternative? Is the answer to embrace a stage of pointless, nihilistic ch...
Introduction 1. rookie = Novice; New members; New players (who participated in the comp...