240 发简信
  • prone

    prone :likely to do something or be affected by something, especially so...

  • iconic/famous & impressive

    iconic :very famous and well known, and believed to represent a particul...

  • commonplace

    commonplace :happening often or often seen or experienced and so not con...

  • adept

    adept :very good at doing something that is not easy 常用搭配:be adept at 1....

  • hesitant

    hesitant :uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or u...

  • transferable

    transferable :able to be transferred or made over to another 常用搭配:transf...

  • instrumental

    instrumental :involved in an important way in making something happen /p...

  • sought-after

    sought-after :wanted by many people but not easy to get 例句: 1.Yeezy snea...

  • desirable

    desirable :worth having and wanted by most people 值得拥有的,理想的 (ideal) Hain...