240 发简信
  • Financial Services Metrics

    Standarded deviation of returns is known in finance as volatility of ret...

  • Business Metrics

    Long term changes that make the company great are not the core part of a...

  • Neural Network

    Universality Theorem Neural networks with a single hidden layer can be u...

  • Intonation, Linking, Rhythm, Stress

    Stress In every multi-syllable word, only one syllable can have primary ...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    给所有点加标签text() 求相关系数 多个变量逐对比较的散点图 这里是选择出属性AB>100的运动员,然后两两比较他们在"H","R","SO...

  • R语言笔记之。。。

    读取EXCEL中的某个SHEET 也可以指定SHEET编号: 对于之前版本的EXCEL(.xls)等,需用gdata库 遇到问题:下载“rJav...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    普通有向(无向)图(无向图改成F即可) 画基本图: 画环状图: 合并两个图: 求两个图的差异: 这里我没有把gc和g1作比较,因为出错了,在问题...