Day 2 《first 1000words 》Minibeasts 变色龙卡片玩了玩。貌似和insect 没什么关系。。
Day 1两个概念。 amphibian:an animal such as a forg that can live both on land...
Day 1
③Like 句式:7本,其中I like sth.3本;I like to do 2本;I want sth.Do you like..2本。 ...
本周8.8-8.12号旅游5天。但是刚好主题是交通,乘坐了火车,渡轮,长途车等交通工具。路上玩过2比riddle 的游戏。第一天我记得看了美幼本...
Nono:Mom, little dinosaur's leg was broken. Mum :Let's take him to the h...
Day 1 1-What's a fire firefighter Firefighters put out fires and save pe...
DAY 1 Today we are playing the lego ,i want you to know "What does earth...
① 8本,带读一遍