240 发简信
  • I'll have sth.../ can I get sth

    I'll have sth 我想要...can I get sth/can I have sth 我能点某物吗? I'll have a che...

  • pay close attention to sth

    pay close attention to sth 密切关注某事或某物pay attention to sth 注意某事或某物catch at...

  • Can you do sth for me?

    Can you do sth for me?Could you do sth for me? Can you wrap it up for me...

  • Only+数量+left

    only+数量+left 只剩多少件sth is left=have sth left 剩下某物 Only 2 left, Order soon...

  • You can hear sth doing

    hear sth doing... 听到某事正在发生hear sth do... 听到某事发生了hear sb doing/do... 听见某人...

  • Watch out for sth/sb

    watch out for sth / Beware of sth当心某事watch out for sb 当心某人be careful wit...

  • Do you have any recommendations...

    Have any recommendations for sth 推荐...On the recommendation of sb/ on sb...

  • They are down to...

    Be down to 只剩下.../由...引起或造成的down 失去,少了 I'm down to my last dollar. We're...

  • Is there anything.../be in the mood

    Is there anything... 有没有什么?Is there anything i can help you?Is there any...