题目:我在人民广场吃着炸鸡 内容:现在进行时 句子:I am eating fried chicken in people's Square 小...
Another problem with the trip was his travel schedule. He needed to exte...
What’s the matter? Why do you look so sad? Ada has a new job. She’s goin...
Hi, I’m sorry to be late. What happened? You were supposed to be here an...
Winter is the coldest season because the sun is at its lowest point in t...
These people are having a meeting. The woman is giving a presentation. T...
1应收账款和预收账款重分类 2应付账款和预付账款重分类 3其他应收和其他应付重分类 4个税返还计入其他收益。 5印花税、房产税、土地使用税计入税...
Kim is a popular Korean actress. She’s 28 years old, slim 苗条的,纤细的and bea...