《中国百鬼录》,传统历史中纪录的一百只鬼! 来源:古风的那些事儿 001 缢鬼 缢鬼,又名吊死鬼,指自杀上吊而死的鬼,是十二类常见鬼之一。缢鬼披头散发,面目苍白,眼睛突出,口...
正所谓:命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。尤其是钱财物品,该是你的你才有可能得到。 命若穷,掘得黄金化作铜;命若富,拾得白纸变成布。 世人皆爱财,还痴迷求财,却不知道财从何处来...
在佛教的寺庙之中,举办法会是其重要的活动。佛教寺庙的法会,主要有19种,各有其含义和作用,成为佛教文化的重要组成部分之一。 1.布萨羯磨 布萨之意,是指出家人的说戒及忏悔的聚...
一定要做一个没有情绪的人,不要到处诉苦,也不要轻易相信别人的话,更不要对谁都充满期待。 谁在背后议论你都无所谓,你只需关心你的当下和未来就可以了,别让那些鸡毛蒜皮的事烦到你,...
we are taking
My hobbyI like talking with my mother, It's nice.and it's my hobby too. Sometimes we talk in th...
Go home or to work?For me,I want to earn money to meet the basic demand of living. But for my father, he w...
Do you need moral bottom line The answer is no doubt yes How to persist in doing it is ...
My favorite festivalThe Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite festival. On this festival, Grandma always make...
The Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite festival. On this festival, Grandma always make...