1、ostensible reason/purpose 表面上的原因/目的 2、hold true for most men and women...
1、have a soft spot for sb 喜爱,软肋 2、unvavl a mystery 解开…之谜 3、a gracious pe...
1、test the waters 试试水 2、part company 分道扬镳,产生分歧 3、downplay sth 轻描淡写、淡化 4、...
1、in the presence of sb 当着某人的面… 2、one thing contrasts sharply with anoth...
1、state of mind 心态 2、positive enterprising spirit 积极进取 3、sb is urbane 温文...
1、try sth on and see how it fits. 试穿看看合不合适 2、That being said, … 话虽如此,但… ...
1、gape at sb/sth 目瞪口呆地看着 2、sb looks pensive. 看起来忧思、忧伤的 3、what you said w...
1、take a rain check on sth 下次吧,改天吧 2、it beats me. 想不通,这可难倒我了 3、free up s...
1、repose one's trust/hope in sb/sth 将信赖/希望寄托于某人/某物 2、culminate in/with s...