恶声 作者:稚蕊 (由真實故事改編) I “义德之人永久无谖。 ——将不惧恶声。 认主赞主者灵魂。弗交于猛兽。 ——弗概忘无倚之灵魂。 祈主免判...
Vivisection of the Anaconda of Dehumanization: An Analysis of the Visual...
The Cancer of Procrastination [Location: Home] 6:00 At the beginning of ...
“The medium of film lends itself to ‘intercuts,’ and the script breaks a...
Important Quality that I Look For in a Teacher The very first important ...
I am a Pedant In my CLS class, I did two tests. One of them is a persona...
作者:Z.H. 题材:Define Literacy Genre: This I Believe A Special Weapon in Mod...
影泓 ‖ 作 初春 雾重春寒三月袭, 玉兰粉白曳风中。 徘徊雨夜凭栏望, 簌簌衣襟露华濛。
影泓 ‖ 作 暗香 旧月茕茕何照我, 梅边吹笛尽思君。 清寒攀摘年渐逝, 香冷无言叹路岎。 此诗化用了宋代词人、音乐家姜夔的词作《暗香·旧时月色...