240 发简信
  • 水族馆(1)

    “妈妈,电影要迟到了。” ”妈妈。” 唯一回应是滋滋的电流声。 来自妈妈双手那细腻柔嫩的触感如粼粼水波所投下的浅蓝光流般掠过指尖,小爱的心肌微微...

    0.6 80 0 5
  • Silence between Sounds

    When I encountered Giordano’s painting among many in the open circle dur...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Neorealism as a gesture towards existence

    Neorealism was an artistic movement that emerged after the destructive W...

  • Art of Perception: Ethics of the French Avant-Garde

    Surveying the historical background and aesthetic characteristics of the...

  • Modes of Seeing since Sontag

    In On Photography, Susan Sontag analogized photographs to shadows on the...

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  • Red Rocket: Demystifying the “Strawberry”

    “Life is a vexatious trap: when a thinking man reaches maturity and atta...

  • 《鹳鸟踟蹰》-沉默的凝视 (1)


  • Petrov’s Flu- “fever dream” cinema

    The stylised drama directed by Kirill Serenblennikov pushed the audio-vi...

  • 《乡土中国》-文字的意义

    文字在乡土社会中的意义 在中国,城市居民有一种天生的优越感:他们认为农村人是“愚”的,因为农村人不识字,不懂得现代的生活方式。这种论调值得拷问,...