240 发简信
  • Dream

    A lot of people ask me why I wanna English. and today we talked abou...

  • Carnival

    This morning, we have a game called put it down together, for that I...

  • Breakthrough

    Today is the first day of the two period of the summer camp, but it's...

  • Hang in there

    It has been a long time I didn't write anything on this. And today's w...

  • Do not make a plan

    This is a topic I said today in Chatmate. And now I want to write it ...

  • 无题


  • Spoken English


  • 哈哈哈吼吼吼

    白天看了一会儿《了不起的盖茨比》,Myrtle 被Daisy 撞死了,但是 Gatsby竟然要替她背锅。。。虽然知道他这样做的原因,...

  • 别想象未来的日子

    最近几天一直在语伴上练习口语。昨天晚上匹配的是一个高二的小盆友,他说"高二的作业真的是好难啊,啊呀,真的快要疯掉了。" 我纠...