240 发简信
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    真实的情况到底是什么呢 从我认为到他认为再到大家认为 每个人都沉浸于各自脑海里故事 通过感官获取信息 大脑负责收集翻译 要怎么样才能达到足够的客...

    1.1 30 0 1
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  • Resize,w 360,h 240
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Focus Reality

    How do we make survival the most meaning? set conscious goal frame rules...

    1.1 29 0 1
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    I can be what I will to be. Focus is attention with intention.

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    Collect my pieces Focus on myself Be care of attention

    1.1 31 0 1
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  • Resize,w 360,h 240