240 发简信
  • 给珊的一封信

    珊: 你我多日不见,我甚想之,然而一时性情冲动,没有思番前后,而造成今日你我之心理隔阂,我甚悔之。想以往时光,繁星点点的夜幕里,你我的谈笑...

  • 给姗的一封信

    珊: 虽然现在很少有人写情书的习惯,干瘪的感情及生活的快节奏让人心生厌烦,大多数男生轻佻的语言及轻浮的甜言蜜语难以触及女生深处的灵魂。 ...

    5.2 89 0 3
  • How I Finance My College Education

    Nowdays lt's wonderful time to go to college for us 。Not only had we lea...

  • My view on job-hopping

    How to select the job ?Someone take a job from first to last. they don't...

  • Good study habits

    In modern society,learning is a very important thing for us Because of k...

  • What would I wish something for somebody Else

    There are a large number of left-behind children in the countryside,es...

  • On Excessive packing

    Nowadays,Many of Goods are packaged。Most of people bought it because of ...

  • 四六级单词索引

    国际城市 :Hong Kong 香港macao 澳门Sydney 悉尼New York 纽约Moscow 莫斯科London 伦敦Tokyo 东...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    美国 全称 The United States of America 美利坚合众国 英文缩写 the USA 国家代码 USA 国家域名.us ...