原来这里面的note实际上指的是音符,国际谱~里面神奇的log函数实际上是频率转换成音符的计算方法 又被凯牛教育了
fixed the problem of input method being Chinese when I open the PUTTYjus...
use netstat -lntp to check opened port and the pid of running process no...
black-hole In memory of Stephen Hawking 题目的内容非常的简单,就是在stack overflow的函数前...
js_Ast structure seems that it is a pure ast tree, but i didnt learn it ...
fortify-source the fortify-source will make functions like strcat to __s...
recover the signature http://weeklyalgo.codes/2017/07/16/Reverse%20Engin...
这篇文章是N1CTF的mem题目的一个总结,实际上很早以前就想写了,但是一直拖...我的拖延癌已经没救了... finding bug 这个题目...