想象力对我们的生活到底有多么重要?只要稍加观察可以发现想象力遍布我们身边的方方面面。 可以说是想象力改变着世界,给我们带来着巨大的便利。 是那些...
Everything can be product. U and me can be products.Products are there, ...
We all like playing. Sports are all games. We are creators of them! We d...
Sometimes , U feel tired! But so what? U have to experience many things!...
What can we get from playing games? Today I get some inspiration from it...
When it comes to thinking, I have some idea about it. One is whole think...
We are now affected by varieties of things. The world is full of distrac...
Today I watch a clip of video called 5 1/2 mentors that will change your...
Why Steve Jobs says ' stay hungry, stay foolish?What does he really mean...