Who paid for Tony's dinner? I was having a dinner at a resturant when To...
What happened to the clavicoard clavichord? We have an old musical instr...
What does 'A a cold welcome' refer to ? On Wensday Wednesday evening, we...
The best or and the worst Why is Joe's gardern the most beautiful one in...
五种单句的基本句型 S 主语 V 动词 O 宾语 C 补语 1.S+V 2.S+V+O 3.S+V+C 4.S+V+O+O 5.S+V+O+C ...
此为书的目录,之后每写完一章笔记就附录链接在这里,方便复盘。 序:我学英语的经验 前言 第一篇初级句型――简单旬(Simple Sentence...