如今好像到处都是咖啡馆。 翻译:Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days. 造句Coconuts are u...
一些应用更多关心的是最佳用户体验,而不是不顾一切的增长。 翻译:Some apps are more concerned about ensur...
示威游行已激化成为一场大规模的起义。 翻译:The demonstration has escalated into a large upris...
他的观点发生了 180° 大转弯,决定和前妻复婚。 翻译:He has made a U-turn and decided to remarry...
Day1 wait wait wait 1、all I do is(to) wait wait wait.属于断裂句。 2、picky/nit-...