文化自传 李家有女,名重庆,字一嘉。家住云南省大理州洱源县凤羽镇,但听爷爷说相传我们的祖籍是南京应天府柳树湾,祖先从军征服云南,从此入乡随俗定居...
Don't misunderstand. I am not meaning other nations are not good. I just...
The bai people live in the houses with tile roofs of civil structures. I...
Feng Yu inkstone is producted by Feng Yu Township, Eryuan country. It's ...
Eryuan is a multi-ethnic country. Eryuan has 23 nations. You can say it ...
(For the Bai people Ghost festival has another name--July fourteen. It's...
The torch festival is a traditional festival of the bai people. It's a v...
Usually our Benzhu is in his Benzhu temple but during the Spring Festiva...