下午,儿子一回到家,就跑我跟前对我说:“妈,我闯大祸了!”我一听,吓了一跳:“怎么了?跟同学闹别扭了?”儿子故意哭丧着脸说:“王博说我这次考试得了三个一百。”我恍然大悟。 前...
John's Resignation CEO: So what is it that you wanted to see me about, John? John: I th...
图片发自简书App 懂你英语Level 6学习笔记 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 1 懂你英语Level 6 Unit 1 Part 1 Listening 懂你英...
音频 A large international study has found that ten risk factors account for 90 percent...