240 发简信
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  • 英文9~12

    The instructor had been an older man and someone that Carl had seen as a...

  • 英文筆記5~8

    Sabotage could range from pinprick attacks on individual weapons or mach...

  • 英文筆記1~4

    If you need help with your resumé we have friendly knowledgeable staff a...

  • 04.18

    1. The following appeared as part of an annual report sent to stockholde...

  • JJ

    If a student merely buries the head into guilts as into sand and leaves ...

  • 千字文第二天

    養成一個好習慣還真的是很難的,這篇文章一直拉扯到晚上七點才結束 Malcolm Gladwell有個10000小時成功法則(The 10,000...

  • 千字文第一天
