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  • 每日一词

    个人中心 收藏 消息 关闭 现象级英语 关注 个人中心 图文 每日一词 225 | central 2019.08.02 | 127 次学习 详...

  • 每日一词receptive

    1. 这是个什么词? 词:receptive 英英释义:willing to consider or accept new suggestion...

  • 每日一词

    well- 例句:Such a vision, however well-intended, was never realistic. 2. 体...

  • 每日一词

    minded 英英释义: having a particular character, interest or way of thinking ...

  • 每日一词

    词:-ridden 英英释义:full of something unpleasant or bad 例句:The movie is clich...

  • 每日一词

    词:-oriented 英英释义: designed to appeal to a certain kind of people 例句:Link...

  • 每日一词

    proximity 英英释义:nearness in distance or time 例句:Many residents buy proper...

  • 每日一词

    hindsight 英英释义:the ability to understand a situation only after it has ...

  • 每日一词

    laggard 英英释义:a person who makes slow progress and falls behind others 例句...