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    01 最近花了一周的时间,我断断续续看完了李亚鹏版的《笑傲江湖》。 曾经年少爱追梦,总幻想自己是行侠仗义的令狐冲,一套独孤九剑从天而降,邪恶歹徒就被杀瞎了眼。 风清扬的绝世剑...

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    Chapter 3: The Project Management Process Groups: A Case Study

    Learning Objectives Describe the five project management process groups, the typical le...

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    Chapter 2: The Project Management and Information Technology Context

    Learning Objectives Describe the systems view of project management and how it applies ...

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    Chapter 1 Introduction to Project Management

    Learning Objectives Understand the growing need for better project management, especial...